What is the Difference Between Professional and Take-Home Teeth Whitening?

July 25, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:32 pm

Tooth discoloration is simply something we can’t avoid. Our teeth naturally discolor age we age. Certain foods and lifestyle habits, such as tobacco use, help to accelerate the rate and severity of tooth discoloration. Once a smile has become dull, many turn to over-the-counter whitening treatments because they are convenient. However, they quickly find these products are ineffective and don’t produce lasting results. The only way to achieve the drastic and lasting results you want is with professional teeth whitening in Bonita Springs, FL. As a cosmetic dentist, we offer two effective professional whitening treatments to reverse tooth discoloration.


Your Family Dentist Explains the Importance of Baby Teeth

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:30 pm

We have heard time and time again, and we may have even said it ourselves a time or two, “Oh, they are just baby teeth.” While they are just baby teeth, baby teeth play a very important role in your child’s speech development and their ability to learn to eat correctly. Not to mention, baby teeth also allow for the proper development of adult teeth. With baby teeth being a critical part of your child’s development, it’s essential their baby teeth receive the proper care. With the help of a family dentist in Bonita Springs FL, you will help to ensure you child’s baby teeth stay healthy while paving the way for healthy permanent teeth.
