Can Exercise Relieve Sleep Apnea Symptoms?

Lack of sleep can take its toll on your everyday life. Whether it’s waking up feeling exhausted and moody or forgetting daily tasks, it can seem like a never-ending cycle. When it feels impossible to get the rest you need, you might consider how exercise can reduce sleep apnea symptoms. Find out how increasing your steps and upping your heart rate can make a big difference when it comes to getting the sleep you need.
The Benefits of Cardio
Whether you have a love or hate relationship with cardio exercises, they’re important if you want to enjoy better heart health and sleep. Walking, running, jogging, climbing stairs, or even jumping jacks are all ways to get your heart pumping and sweat pouring.
By incorporating these types of exercises into your daily routine, you’ll begin to notice a difference in more than just your waistband. You’ll find that the symptoms plaguing you because of inadequate sleep are becoming less over time.
One of the reasons cardio can be so beneficial is because it helps you to lose weight. Obesity and being overweight are commonly linked to sleep apnea. When excess fat exists around the neck, it can inhibit a person’s ability to breathe freely without obstruction.
By setting a realistic goal weight, seeking accountability partners, and making it a part of your everyday lifestyle, you’ll begin to feel better in all aspects of your life.
The Benefits of Facial Exercises
Although they may not cause you to break into a sweat or lose significant calories, facial exercises can be helpful when it comes to improving your sleep pattern.
By strengthening your tongue and facial muscles, you lower your risk of obstruction throughout the night, preventing you from being able to breathe.
Some of the most helpful exercises to try include:
- Singing your favorite songs, as this strengthens the throat muscles (and reduces stress)
- Learning an instrument, as they require the use of your mouth (i.e., trumpet, flute, tuba, etc.) and can help to strengthen your windpipe and throat muscles
- Stretching your tongue by touching the roof of your mouth, sticking it out, and moving it from left to right
The Foods You Eat Make a Difference
Along with exercise and facial movements, eating a nutrient-rich diet is beneficial in maintaining good sleep.
Instead of reaching for sugary or starchy foods, it’s best to look for items that will help to keep you energized throughout the day and give you what you need to exercise. Opting for nuts, yogurt, bananas, or other similar fruits and vegetables can make it easier to move your body.
Get the sleep you need and deserve. By incorporating these helpful tips into your life, you’ll discover that not only are you resting better throughout the night looking, but you’re also looking and feeling better too.
About the Practice
As a dental practice that consists of an expanded team of dental professionals, Pelican Landing Dental is here to provide patients with effective sleep apnea solutions. Struggling to sleep can become debilitating if left untreated, but our experts have the techniques and ability to provide patients with ways to improve their sleep and quality of life. If you need help to rest, visit the website or call (239) 948-2111.