3 Popular Oral Health Trends That Can Damage Your Smile

Social media is the go-to avenue for most people to get their news and advice. Whether it is Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, or one of the other many platforms, influencers have an endless stage to promote their favorite products and give “advice” on what they believe works. Here are three popular oral health trends in Bonita Springs occurring right now that will only do more damage to your smile.
Whiten Teeth with Activated Charcoal
Want your teeth to look whiter and brighter? Why not try activated charcoal? Here’s why: this substance is highly abrasive. Commonly used among emergency medical technicians to help individuals who have swallowed something toxic, it is not designed to go onto the teeth. With each use, it wears down the tooth enamel until there is virtually none left. If you want to reduce your chances of breaking down your enamel, let a professional brighten your smile with a professional whitening treatment.
The Sour Punch of the Lemon Juice Detox
Although this trend is designed to help you lose weight, it contains both lemon juice and maple syrup. The reason these can be harmful components of your diet is that the natural lemon is acidic and can wear down tooth enamel while maple syrup contains high amounts of sugar, which can cause cavities. Not to mention, you’re expected to avoid all other foods for just shy of two weeks (10 days). The inability to chew will lead to dry mouth, which often causes the risk for gum disease and other common oral health problems to increase.
Changing It Up with Sparkling Water
Sometimes you just need to change up your beverage game, right? When sodas or regular water don’t seem to provide the taste you’re looking for, you may be tempted to reach for sparkling water. Although it is deemed better for you than traditional soda, sparkling water can be acidic because it often comes in many citrus-based flavors (i.e., lemon, lime, orange, peach, etc.). As a result, your tooth enamel will break down over time. However, should you consume it while eating, your natural saliva will counteract the harmful acids that may try to attack your teeth and gums.
It’s easy to become a victim of the many trends available on the internet. However, before you fall into the trap, spend some time learning more about the benefits of seeing a dentist in Bonita Springs who can safely and effectively improve the look of your teeth and gums.
About the Practice
Pelican Landing Dental is based in Bonita Springs and is led by a team of three dental experts who are committed to the art and science behind healthy, beautiful smiles. Offering an array of cosmetic treatments, patients who visit our dental office can expect to see transformational results no matter which service is provided. From veneers and direct bonding to teeth whitening and metal-free restorations, the possibilities are endless. If you’re ready to make an aesthetic change to your smile, visit the website or call (239) 948-2111.