Does It Hurt to Get Dental Implants?

The word “surgery” is seldom met with any kind of excitement or enthusiasm. After all, there is always at least a small risk involved. It is completely understandable if you are a little nervous about dental implant surgery. But you might be surprised by how easy the procedure actually is! Let’s talk about what you can expect during and after your implant placement appointment.
During the Surgery
One of the first things your dental team will do during your appointment is see to your comfort. Local anesthesia will ensure that you feel little to nothing while the dental implants are being inserted into your jawbone. Many practices also offer various forms of sedation, including nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and oral conscious sedation. If you opt for oral conscious sedation, it is unlikely that you will remember anything about your surgery.
The First Few Days After Surgery
The following are common in the first few days after implant placement surgery:
- Bleeding. You might notice some red in your saliva, but profuse bleeding is rare.
- Swelling. Applying a cold compress for 15 – 20 minutes at a time can help to keep swelling to a minimum.
- Soreness. Your dentist might prescribe a prescription painkiller, or they might recommend that you start taking over the counter pain relievers as soon as your local anesthesia starts to wear off. Sticking to a liquid diet and getting adequate rest may help you be as comfortable as possible.
Most patients don’t need a lot of downtime immediately after their surgery. In fact, most are able to return to work within a day or two. However, if your job requires strenuous physical activity or you just feel like you need extra rest, don’t hesitate to stay at home for a bit longer.
After the First Few Days
The soft tissue at the implant sites should heal quickly, and you will be able to eat a wide variety of soft foods. The soreness and swelling will go away (usually within two weeks), and you will be able to enjoy a fairly normal routine while your jawbone continues to heal.
Questions or Concerns?
If you are diligent about following your dentist’s post-op instructions, it’s very unlikely that you will hit any road bumps on your road to recovery. But if you do run into a concern, call your dentist right away. Let them know what is happening, and they will advise you on what to do next.
Most people are surprised by how easy and comfortable dental implant surgery is! If you would like to learn more about it, your local implant dentist would be happy to talk with you.
Meet the Practice
Pelican Landing Dental features a team of five talented and caring dentists, one of whom has earned Mastership status with the International Congress of Oral Implantolgoists. Another is a Fellow of the same prestigious organization. If you would like to speak with an expert about what to expect during dental implant treatment, contact our practice at 239-948-2111.